MyAnime is the first social network built exclusively for anime lovers!Share photos & videos, like & comment on them, and tag all of your friends without worrying about anyone that tries to bring you down from your anime highs.
Here are the core features of MyAnime:- Home: Watch the feed of Photos and Videos come in from users you're following- Explore: Go out and find new anime accounts to follow, and check out the top pics in MyAnime- Camera: Open the camera and take photos and videos, edit them, and share them out- Notifications: Get alerted anytime someone starts following you or likes and comments on your content- Profile: Customize your profile to reflect your personality or brand, and every profile has their own... Top Posts: We take all of the top liked pictures and videos and put them in their very own spot- Forum: The first mobile-friendly Anime Forum is officially live! Go check out pics, videos and dialogue from the Anime Community!
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